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Member since 12/2004

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that picture turned out v well (and is totally hilarious). also it looks very tropical: the perfect backdrop for a wool tuque.


Definate restraint.... unlike others... R U knit the little coat too! I can wait for you (pay day) before I start.... I got the pattern too so dont buy it

PS I love the hat colors


What a great hat! I love the stitch pattern!

I've just started on a hat made from Scheepjes. It is a dream to work with and I highly recommend it to anyone who's tired of "scratchy fingers."

what is this coat you speak of?


Hellloooo other Allison! Great job on that hat! I was looking at that very pattern the other day! After seeing yours, I may have to put it on my "to knit" list.

Great blog! And thanks for the encouragement with the running! Maybe one day I'll run a half-marathon! I'll settle for a 5k right now...

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